Saturday, November 21, 2015

What Makes You Thankful

Let's be thankful. No, I'm not in a cocoon nor bubble. Yes, I've heard the news!
Yes I had planned and set up a giveaway based on a date that sounded cool to me. What were the odds that other groups found the numbers intriguing too and had their own plans which were quite evil. The date "11/13/15" will be remembered for Paris as "9/11/01" has been remembered for New York.  The news have had round the clock coverage of events and the aftermath. My sympathy is with the families of the victims.

If you follow the news, you'd think there is nothing left to be thankful. Yet the news is thankful for disasters and tragedies for their ratings. Recently my father died and I was very sad and angry. Angry at the  hospital because I really felt they killed him so they could give another body to their contractual funeral home. I still find it a conflict of interest for a hospital to have a contract with a funeral home.  Sad because I didn't call my dad enough. My friend reminded me to be thankful because I always knew some gem of wisdom that I had learned from my dad.

We do have things that bring joy to our lives which we should take some time to be thankful. We should spend some time in our day to be thankful. Fear, stress and paranoia can not only overwhelm us but can affect our health over time. See these articles:

We could find several ways to reduce fear etc. One way that I found is writing especially poetry. Another way is to be thankful and spend some time where I focus on people or things that have a positive (or neutral impact when having a bad day) impact on my life. 

I'm thankful I can find my way home through poetry. What makes you thankful?

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