Sunday, January 15, 2017

Inauguration Day -5

Everytime I see that statement, I cringe. I want to ask was it ever there? When did it leave?


Pageant ready on a plagiarized platform.
Rosy cheeks that you kiss when you greet
On pale skin -- pure like the driven snow.
The driven snow? So now I know
Elegance, like melatonin, is something innate,
socially acceptable and can infatuate
The populace with just a smile.

That perfect smile and long, wavy hair
reminiscing with his mail-order bride
Unhinged by his impeding, lessening rights
Made great again with the right candidate
Protecting and dictating women's reproductive rights. 

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Inauguration Day -12

As we edge closer to that day, I picture what I would say if I was the Inaugural Poet.

     Great Again!

We can be shallow. We can be deep.
Even a dense fog or murky river
Doesn't reveal what's beneath -- the anti-hero
owns honesty and tells how it should be,
Never buckling to political correctness' pressure
to tolerate differences and welcome strangers.
Let us forget about Japanese-American internment
in World War II lest a pattern of history will repeat!
Knowing the definition of insanity can't deter
enemies within us contributing to the snafu -
how we look to the world. If only we were in a vacuum,
isolated from others. Ridicule is our new backdrop
making us low so we can rise to be great again!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Inauguration day -18

I thought I had an original idea that I would dedicate the next several days writing a poem that would be suitable for the inauguration. To my dismay, several poets already have poems since December on
These poets are very passionate. Tell me how do I compare?
This poem is similar to the "I am" poem but I use "I want"

I want to...

I want to party like when I was young
I want to rejoice and sing the songs that was sung.
I want to orate and hear the crowd applause
I want to tantalize, oh just because...
I want to explain my poor behavior.
I want to set the record and be an anchor.
I want to thank the one percenters with less tax.
I want to tax to the max the middle class.
I want to revoke all health subsidies to the working poor.
I want to umbellate my ideals to the world.
I want to marry and divorce as I please,
I want to preserve family values!