Sunday, May 29, 2016

Feature Poet: Michael Mack

On Saturday, I hosted a poetry reading at Cinema Paradiso. Not only did we receive a good audience, we had many different readers who shared their work or recited a favorite poem. Just in time for Memorial Day, the featured poet is Michael Mack.

What poets inspire you?
Well, I am basically a structure poet with a preference toward rhyme and meter so my heroes have been Poe, Robert Service and, at the top of the list, Banjo Paterson. On the free verse side, I admire Sylvia Plath and Pablo Neruda.

Why do you enjoy writing? 
Basically, I am a very quiet person and writing allows me to express myself in a non-vocal way. I also enjoy the challenge of creating something that touches someone else in a positive way.
enjoyed your poems tonight and would like to feature you and your poems on my blog this week. If you could please send me the text of your poems: "Small Pain in my Chest", "Friday Night at Walmart" and "The Robot."  You mentioned that the "Small Pain in my Chest" was previously published or recited at an event,  could you include the event and dedication.
 As I mentioned, my poem SMALL PAIN IN MY CHEST was read before thousands of people at the funeral services of the first Blackhawk helicopter pilot shot down in Iraq. It is also included in the high school literature textbooks in India as required reading, Although the event in the poem is fictitious, I based it on my experiences in the military and knowing how soldiers think and feel. 

Author has retained all copyright in work above but has granted me permission to reprint on this blog.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Emperor has died

We march Uptown
Head, I hate you.
Y you wanna treat me so bad?

Pink cashmere in the Purple Rain
Raspberry beret in the Little red corvette
I feel for you
Nothing compares to you
Controversy - Delirious, Let's go crazy with

Whose song titles did I use for a poem? A clue is in the poem!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Cupcake by Shawn Jackson

Shawn Jackson read his poem "Cupcake" on Saturday, April 23rd at Cinema Paradiso. His poem had wit with an unexpected twist so I asked him a couple questions:

1. Where were you when inspired?
My girlfriend bakes the best cakes and cupcakes ever. One day I was bored and in need of a topic to write about. I asked a friend to give me a topic and she said Cupcakes. I fully understood what she expected me to write but I wanted to create something that would be an unexpected surprise.
2. I noticed the acrostic for 'Cupcake' , have you experimented with any other forms?
Other than a few Haiku's I'm just beginning to explore different styles of poetry. 
3. Which poets inspire you?
Henry W Longfellow, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Robert Frost, Jewel and countless slam poets. 
Here's Shawn Jackson's poem for you to enjoy: