Saturday, May 7, 2016

Cupcake by Shawn Jackson

Shawn Jackson read his poem "Cupcake" on Saturday, April 23rd at Cinema Paradiso. His poem had wit with an unexpected twist so I asked him a couple questions:

1. Where were you when inspired?
My girlfriend bakes the best cakes and cupcakes ever. One day I was bored and in need of a topic to write about. I asked a friend to give me a topic and she said Cupcakes. I fully understood what she expected me to write but I wanted to create something that would be an unexpected surprise.
2. I noticed the acrostic for 'Cupcake' , have you experimented with any other forms?
Other than a few Haiku's I'm just beginning to explore different styles of poetry. 
3. Which poets inspire you?
Henry W Longfellow, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Robert Frost, Jewel and countless slam poets. 
Here's Shawn Jackson's poem for you to enjoy:

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