Sunday, January 3, 2016


2016 Resolutions

  1. I resolve not to make resolutions especially the ones that only last through January and end some time in February 
  2. I will set goals to be done in a specified timeframe. I like the feeling of accomplishment! 
  3. I will do my best at whatever I am doing.
  4. If I need to vent, I will be careful who I vent to!
  5. Better yet, I will remember (and repeat to myself) I can only change my reaction to other people and I cannot change other people.

So what are these goals:
Some are 5 months long because I have enrolled in college for two courses at night so my goal is to attend all my classes and earn As.
Another goal is to continue writing my weekly blog. This year I want to have a monthly theme so for January, I am considering lists as I have started with a list for resolution above. Also, I would like to finish my book to enter RPLA (for the critiques). 

My exercise goal needs to be realistic so I am again considering getting up and working out for 15-30 minutes daily. My goal is 1 month then evaluate after the month.

Gardening, I've been working on my garden bed in the front for the last 3 days and still have some more weeds to pull before putting out my new decorations. This goal is weather dependent: if weather is good tomorrow then I can finish.

Like that goal, sometimes things come up and tasks have to be put aside to fulfill some obligation so I build in some flexibility.

What are your resolutions or goals or plan for 2016?

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