Saturday, October 10, 2015

Darkness Descends

Who said that "doing the same thing again and again is the definition of insanity" needs to work at my workplace where that is the norm. And no, I don't work at an asylum or is admitted to one. It's my position on the ladder: bottom rung, the place where the leaves get blown from all the neighboring (bosses) yards. So if my boss, my boss' boss, the other manager, HR manager etc. wants to pretend that I haven't already sent them me a spreadsheet two weeks ago and asks me for the spreadsheet again, I'll forward to them that email again. Yes, I keep emails for that very purpose. Therefore mails I send to certain ladder rungs must be kept for date-time stamp.
As I stumble in the darkness known as the workplace, I dream of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Here's my poem this week:

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