Saturday, August 8, 2015

Politics: sometimes it's straight up bulls&@$

I don't get certain things in politics: why the ruckus for a presidential candidate born to an American mother in Hawaii and why no ruckus for a presidential candidate born to an American mother in Canada?

Isn't Canada another country?

I missed the GOP debate but that's one question I hoped the moderator would ask. I would have loved to read the headlines next day or hear the news commentary the next day. Who am I fooling? I just want to ask Trump where he stands on the birth issue of candidate Ted Cruz. If he is okay with it, I want to know why.

In the voting booth, I like independent and Green Party candidates but whoever gets the office, gets my respect. Now I don't have to agree with all their policies but our elected officials would be there to serve us.

Since I identify as Black, I find it funny at times and disheartening at times what people assume: when the Black President does a policy then all Black people agree. I got a glare one night from "Johnny" while he was performing His anti-Obama's presidency piece. The man kept glaring at me. There were other minorities but I was the only Black in there that night. After a couple rounds of open mic, I went back to my hotel and couldn't sleep right away and penned this:

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