Sunday, February 2, 2014

Your state of mind

I am always curious why? What is the thought process? Is there a thought process? If no thought process, what triggered the behavior? I feel this way whenever I watch the news.

People say I over analyze things. Sometimes at work, I am trying to figure out something, looking intensely at the screen and some ass-wipe will stop at my cubicle and say to me,"smile." I don't get it. I'm focusing on what I'm doing, then I'm interrupted and told to smile. So where's the camera? Even worse is when I am told I look mad. Then I give the "annoyed" face.

When I walk by his or her desk, I don't see him or her grinning away while typing at his/her computer or talking on his/her phone and I definitely would not be commanding someone to smile as I am not in their head! So why do some people think it's ok to walk up to someone and tell her to smile.

Psychology interested me. In college, I even took one course as an elective. It did peek my interest but so did working. Now, I wished I did follow up with it.

My Poem for This Week

Poetry Around Town

Poetry Club. South Regional/BC Library Multi-Purpose Room. Monthly, every 3rd Tuesday. 6:30pm
Poetry & Spoken Word. Goddess Store n Studio. 2017 Harrison St, Hollywood, FL. Monthly, every 3rd Sunday. 6 pm.
Open mike (music, comedy, poetry). Gigi’s Music CafĂ©. 4385 NW 88 Ave. Sunrise, FL. Weekly on Wednesdays at 7 pm.

Some resources for poetry events include and

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