Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Poetry of Politics

Many a news story with poetry connection not just in the United States but the world over. Some were just downright scary such as the murder suspect who wrote a “haiku.” The humorous news story involved a politician using poetic forms in the legislature. It reminded me of my encounter with a local politician. Following a visit from a politician hot on his campaign trail, littering canvassing the neighborhood with his signs, I wrote a sestina immortalizing my interactions with said politician. Considering that he was running unopposed, WHY WAS HE WALKING AROUND ASKING PEOPLE TO PUT SIGNS IN THEIR YARDS TO SHOW THEIR SUPPORT?
By the way, those signs were still in people's yard wayyyyyyy after the election!

7/28/13 - 6 pm. Networking Mixer. Pembroke Rose Banquet Hall. 6780 Pembroke Rd. Pembroke Pines

7/31/13 – 7 pm. Open mike (music, comedy & poetry). Gigi’s Music Café. 4385 NW 88 Ave. Sunrise, FL.

8/2/13 - 8:30 pm. Cultural Flow Open Mic. Goddess Store n Studio. 2017 Harrison St, Hollywood, FL

8/2/13 - 9 pm. Open mike (music, comedy & poetry).  Writeside Poets Café. 5464 NW 19th St. Lauderhill, FL.

8/17/13 - Free Poetry Reading at 6 pm at Cinema Paradiso. 503 SE 6th St, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33301. Contact for details.

8/18/13 – 6 pm. Poetry & Spoken Word. Goddess Store n Studio. 2017 Harrison St, Hollywood, FL

Some resources for poetry events include and



“In a Seussian manner, Lucas nimbly incorporates the names of all 120 House members into his five-minute, rhyming oration, prompting us to hope for a day when the chamber’s rules require all legislators to speak in couplets or iambic pentameter while debating from the floor.” By Bryan Warner via

Following protests, a poem written by an alleged Al Qaeda leader was withdrawn temporarily from the syllabus for undergraduates in Kerala's Calicut University…”by IANS – KOZHIKODE via
“Police had found a "haiku" poem stuck to the window of Homi's (the suspect) house. The haiku is a traditional Japanese form, a three-line verse of 17 syllables in a five-seven-five arrangement. It customarily evokes natural phenomena and usually involves a reference to the seasons.
The haiku reads: "Setting a fire -- smoke gives delight -- to a country fellow." Via

Palm Beach Poetry Festival's 10th Anniversary workshops are January 20-25, 2014, at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts at Old School Square. The 10th Annual Palm Beach Poetry Festival workshop faculty includes: Nick Flynn, Carolyn Forché, Linda Gregg, Thomas Lux, Campbell McGrath, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Mary Ruefle, and Tim Seibles. Review the guidelines and apply before November 11, 2013 at



Sunday, July 21, 2013

Lyrical Muse Anthology Cover Reveal

Welcome to the cover reveal for the upcoming release LYRICAL MUSE a collection of stories that reflects life's rhythms through the tales of everyday people. Please take a look below!
Music Heals the Spirit as the Words Give Life.’
Lyrical-Muse (5)
Lyrical Muse Anthology Publisher: Michelle Cornwell-Jordan (3CM Media)
Lyrical Muse is a collection of stories that reflects life's rhythms through everyday people. Each story is an example of the best and the worst of the Human soul. Every life lived has its own melody, and within these pages, the reader is taken on a journey to the blackest depths of a daughter's murderous soul to the prickly minefield of a jealous woman's heart and so much more. So enter of your own free will and allow our whimsical Muse to lead you on an odyssey which just might help redefine your own reality.

Set to release
August 05th, 2013
Add to Goodreads

The cover was created by the amazing Joy Stroube
Dreamscape Covers

Thanks to the Beta Reader Who Rocks!
Author Emma Meade


ronda caudill bio pic
Ronda L. Caudill, PhD
Ronda was born and raised in Virginia. Writing has always been one of her passions. She earned Ph.D. in Education from Capella University. The two writers who inspired her the most are Edgar Allan Poe and H.P. Lovecraft. Her discovery of Mr. Poe when she was eleven years old opened her up to an entirely new world. It is a world that she has shared with her daughters. She is blessed with a wonderful husband and two beautiful daughters who both inspire and support her. She is thankful to them for their love, encouragement, and support (and many new ideas).

jamie white
Jamie White
JamieBMusings is a music addict, book lover, pet servant, NaNoWriMo survivor. When she's not busy writing posts for Culture Shock, she's taking pictures for her new obsession (That Photo Blog) and spending time with her husband and pets. Her first book, The Life and Times of No One in Particular, was released in May 2012.

CP Bialois
C.P. Bialois
CP Bialois completed his first full-length novel, Call of Poseidon, in 2007. Armed with a finished product, Bialois began working on another book, The Sword and the Flame: The Forging, unsure of what he would ultimately be doing with either. As with many others in the later part of the first decade of the 2000’s, he found himself out of work and looking into new options. Over the next two years, he would spend most days at the library, completing an additional half-dozen works. With five books currently out, Bialois is planning for the release of many more and enjoying the feedback he receives. The up-and-coming author takes inspiration from favorites such as Steven King, Tom Clancy and Sue Grafton. His love of history, fantasy and old monster movies has also served as a muse.

M-Jordan-headshot2-300x257 ME
Michelle Cornwell-Jordan 
Michelle Cornwell-Jordan is a New Adult/Young Adult-Paranormal Author. Her titles include a YA Novella series Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy and upcoming novel Chrysalis. She is also the producer of the online radio segment IndieReview Behind The Scenes, where she and her co-host Jamie B Musings interviews Indie Authors and Musicians. Michelle has been married for 18 years and has a 15 year old daughter. A book lover, her favorite genre has always been paranormal adventures. Another love is writing. Michelle has been writing about as long as she has been a bibliophile! Losing herself in a fantasy world that she is creating on paper is how she loves spending her spare time. Oh, and one final secret about Michelle is that she believes that she also has a secret power, but if she told, she would have to zap ya!

Big Hug and Much Gratitude to the very awesome hosts of today’s cover reveal!

Listed in no particular order
Lyrical Muse Hosts
Sheryl Steines: Eden Baylee: Cherie Reich: Shay West: Alex Laybourne: Sharon C. Williams: Mysti Parker: Evan Bollinger: Kerry Taylor: Xuanire Javed: Jamie Marchant: Teshelle Combs: Blakely Chorpenning: Marianne Spitzer: Susan Finlay:

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Fundraiser and the Rain

Their eyes showed aghast as the downpour began. The nearby street became a wading pool. But they came! They came and filled in all the spaces at Lola's on Harrison Street in Hollywood. Sally Kellerman was there, signing books. Silent auction and raffle prizes, all to benefit the Cinema Paradiso-Hollywood fundraiser. It was a great night.
Click here to see photos.
I had donated a gift basket with my books for the raffle, see if you can spot the lucky winner.

A toast to all the winners because everyone who showed up on Thursday night was a winner.



...and writers' events too

7/20/13 - Free Poetry Reading at 6 pm at Cinema Paradiso. 503 SE 6th St, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33301. Contact for details.

7/21/13 - Poetry Circle at 6pm. Goddess Store in Hollywood.

7/28/13 - 6 pm. Networking Mixer. Pembroke Rose Banquet Hall. 6780 Pembroke Rd. Pembroke Pines (look for me raffling a gift basket for another great cause )

see for listings of some poetry around town.



Illinois poet's work chosen for Pushcart anthology  via Associated Press

"He received the prize for his poem "The Field Museum," originally published by the Cincinnati Review."


Inaugural Poet Richard Blanco in Farmington  by Susan Dunne

"I let poems sit in my head for months. They ferment in my head, maybe starting with a line or two or an image or an occasion or a moment. ... When I can't hold it in anymore, I put it on the page"

Poetry Festival receives tourism grant  by Fallon Patterson

"The Palm Beach Poetry Festival, which takes place annually in Delray Beach, recently received a $5,000 grant from Visit Florida, Enterprise Florida's tourism arm."



Saturday, July 13, 2013

Poetry in the news, around town

I've been quite satisfied with myself because I have made it to at least one poetry reading a week. There are several resources such as and of course, word of mouth. Yesterday, I attended a spoken word event at Gigi's Music Cafe from a 1st time host, Ryan and I hope he keeps going with it and build a strong following. Here's one of the poems I read:

Poetry around town 

...and writers' events too

7/13/13 - 4 pm: "What Inspires Writers?" Workshop. Davie-Cooper City Library (Griffin & University). Hosted by Emily Maloney 954-588-1152

7/16/13 - 6:30 pm Poetry Club. South Regional/BC Library Multi-Purpose Room

7/20/13 - Free Poetry Reading at 6 pm at Cinema Paradiso. 503 SE 6th St, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33301. Contact for details.

7/28/13 - 6 pm. Networking Mixer. Pembroke Rose Banquet Hall. 6780 Pembroke Rd. Pembroke Pines

see for more listings.

Poetry in the News

Is Modern Poetry Too Complicated for Modern Readers  - Gia Coturri

"Modern poetry is very complicated because it requires a lot of its readers. However, that doesn’t mean it’s too complicated. Sure some poems make you feel like you’re wading through molasses, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth it. Poetry is a deeply individual genre. Just because one writer is too complex for you doesn’t mean that all modern poetry is too complex. Whenever you read poetry, keep Jasper Fforde’s description of poetry in mind: “Whereas story is processed in the mind in a straightforward manner, poetry bypasses rational thought and goes straight to the limbic system and lights it up like a brushfire. It's the crack cocaine of the literary world.” If a poem doesn’t hit you like crack cocaine, try a different poet. Soon you’ll find that modern poetry isn’t that difficult after all." read more at

Saturday, July 6, 2013

poetry readings...

I've been hitting the road, visiting a few venues, provided I don't go home first and fall asleep.
Case in point: last two Fridays (you think that I would have learned by now), I planned to go read but I went home first. The first of the two Fridays was because I left my poetry home. Yesterday, I was tired because the night before I didn't sleep much as it was Independence night and the fireworks were going off into the wee hours. Thankfully, it began to rain and the revellers stopped the fireworks. I guess a lot of people didn't have to go to work on Friday. So I had packed my poetry with me so I didn't have to go home but to hang out until 8 pm was a bit much so I went home and never came back out.

On the bright side, I did accomplish my goal of going to one poetry reading this week. (Yes, I would to increase the frequency so I can promote my poetry more.) I went to the Funky Buddha Lounge for their All Art Open Mic on Wednesday night and read three of my poems from The Collection: "Running from Love," "Hear My Cry," and "Nothing but Time." I got up and read after 2 comedians then there were more comedians, musical act (great group) another poet (spoke from the heart) and more comedians...It went deep into the night but I was tired and left before the end of the show. Considering the crowd, I am proud that I went up and read!

Poem for the Week
I didn't give them hell but for you and Tracy:

Check out for Poetry in the News