Monday, November 13, 2017

Finding Inspiration

It was much harder finding good news that was also inspiring. 
Two posts was all I could muster. It became increasingly difficult to time to read news as the week progresses. Even more difficult was finding that good inspiration.
I will return to writing Monday through Friday but whatever inspiration comes my way is what I will use.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Norppa Live

Lake Saimaa is home to Pullervo 
Popular with the viewers, thanks to
The hidden camera by the lake.

Milder winters are endangering
These rare, fresh-water species.
Also, those darned, fishing nets

Are the real threats causing
Pullervo's friends to be tangled up:
No way to be free and starve to death.

Only three hundred and sixty remain
And viewers tune in to see
Their plights, their fights
All on hidden TV.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

I am an April's Fool

I was already in a bad mood and not because I was pranked on April's Fool. I had worked my frustration out in the yard by raking and cleaning up the swale on the side. The final touch was to use the gas blower and clean the sidewalk back up. While blowing out the sidewalk and the engine throbbing loudly in my ear, this other fool in a white SUV was honking for my attention.

I didn't want to stop what I was doing so I kept going. Well, this fool was honking away disturbing the neighbors, following me, honking. Leave me alone, already! I'm not buying what you're selling!

Almost every time I'm outside doing yardwork, some fool wants me to give him the work. I don't know what money I should be paying him with. On one occasion, a guy in a BMW said that to me because I have a house, he lived in an apartment. I had to inform him because I had a house which is why I am poor. There is always something to fix so to save myself from too much debt, I did my yard work. Maybe, that was a foolish answer and I should have said that why he live in an apartment but driving BMW.

Aren't we all just a bunch of fools!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Cringe-worthy Words/Phrases

school sign for early release

"Early Release!" Those are two words that makes me cringe. When prisoners are paroled, they use the term "early release!" The bad effects of early release usually makes the news, such as when a recent parolee commits a crime and opponents comes out in droves.

The sign above isn't about early release from prisons but about schools. Why do we use the same phrase to describe schools sending children home earlier to their parents. 

Another word that drives me nutty is that combination word from horrible and terrific. I can't even write it because I don't want to propagate its use. When something is just plain horrible, let's use horrible. Or, if you want to change it up a bit, then use terrible. If it scared you then scary or terrify is good enough. 

What phrases/words makes you cringe? And why?
Here's a poem that is included in the Bards of Broward: The Courtyard Chronicles

Lizards lounging on a ledge,
Or window-sill but safely inside
their spaceship while outside,
a planet on the verge.

I looked closer and saw them
Lizards lounging about some interior
And outside the Earth was about to explode
Only the lizards are safe, only the lizards escaped.

With their gilded, glossy skin
And dewlaps extended to warn
Of humans overrunning on Earth:
Animal and plant species on the brink of extinction
Foreign species introduction and proliferation
Human nations on the verge of annihilation.

Lizards lounging and looking out the portal:
A last look at what was once home.

Copyright 2016 Suzzette Dawes

Bards of Broward: The Courtyard Chronicles is available from

Share your thoughts below!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Making time...

Sometimes we bite off more than we can chew. Yeah, that's what I will attribute my absence on social media. Well, my new goal is to make time: 1 hour on Sunday to read posts and post so here goes:

Join the South Regional Poetry Club for "The Poetry of India"
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
South Regional/BC Library Conference Room

Open Mic with South Florida Poetry Journal
Saturday, March 4, 2017
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Main Library Bienes Museum Ceremonial Room

Cabaret Poetry Workshop
Hosted by Anastasia Clark
Weston Library
4205 Bonaventure Blvd
Weston, Florida 33332
11am -1 pm on April 8, 2017

Let's make some time and attend these poetry events!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Inauguration Day -5

Everytime I see that statement, I cringe. I want to ask was it ever there? When did it leave?


Pageant ready on a plagiarized platform.
Rosy cheeks that you kiss when you greet
On pale skin -- pure like the driven snow.
The driven snow? So now I know
Elegance, like melatonin, is something innate,
socially acceptable and can infatuate
The populace with just a smile.

That perfect smile and long, wavy hair
reminiscing with his mail-order bride
Unhinged by his impeding, lessening rights
Made great again with the right candidate
Protecting and dictating women's reproductive rights. 

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Inauguration Day -12

As we edge closer to that day, I picture what I would say if I was the Inaugural Poet.

     Great Again!

We can be shallow. We can be deep.
Even a dense fog or murky river
Doesn't reveal what's beneath -- the anti-hero
owns honesty and tells how it should be,
Never buckling to political correctness' pressure
to tolerate differences and welcome strangers.
Let us forget about Japanese-American internment
in World War II lest a pattern of history will repeat!
Knowing the definition of insanity can't deter
enemies within us contributing to the snafu -
how we look to the world. If only we were in a vacuum,
isolated from others. Ridicule is our new backdrop
making us low so we can rise to be great again!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Inauguration day -18

I thought I had an original idea that I would dedicate the next several days writing a poem that would be suitable for the inauguration. To my dismay, several poets already have poems since December on
These poets are very passionate. Tell me how do I compare?
This poem is similar to the "I am" poem but I use "I want"

I want to...

I want to party like when I was young
I want to rejoice and sing the songs that was sung.
I want to orate and hear the crowd applause
I want to tantalize, oh just because...
I want to explain my poor behavior.
I want to set the record and be an anchor.
I want to thank the one percenters with less tax.
I want to tax to the max the middle class.
I want to revoke all health subsidies to the working poor.
I want to umbellate my ideals to the world.
I want to marry and divorce as I please,
I want to preserve family values!