What inspired you to write the particular poem?
First I hear an idea and rush to transcribe it in Ars Poetica, I heard A good poem never cries out loud and then next you will drown happy in it, that heart, that poem. This poem is my second ars poetica. But I often write about writing since it’s a metaphor for living. I also love poems of place and have written many New York, Canada, Tennessee and Florida poems. Those have been my places for decades.
Which poets inspire you?
I love Mary Oliver and my teachers Campbell McGrath and Maxine Kumin and fellow student Richard Blanco ( Obama’s inaugural poet) also my Fort Lauderdale workshop friends: Meryl, Lori, Gary and Deborah.
Why do you enjoy writing?
Writing helps me make sense of my life, it clarifies and sometimes changes my emotions and provides me a verbal album of my life. But I really do it because I have to. I’m an art addict.A sample of her poetry:
Reprinted on this blog with permission from author.