Yes, tonight or evening, I will hosting at Cinema Paradiso. One of the things I like about poetry readings is that it pushes me to want to bring something new. My new thing this year is PoMoSco (Poetry Month Scout) which has been very challenging. Considering my experience with found poetry (none), PoMoSco has definitely been an experience. I have to thank the Facebook posts for elaborating on some of the challenges when I felt stuck. One of them in addition to reading Meryl’s poem left me wondering.
For most of the PoMoSco challenges, I need a source text so I have read quite a few articles to determine which to use for a source text and of course, I come across some interesting articles such as “Found!First Earth-Size Planet That Could Support Life.” Here we are looking through NASA’s Kepler space telescope wondering about the habitability of this earthlike planet and naming the earthlike planet while the natives may already have a name for their planet and have known about earth but been avoiding the earthlings!
With all that in mind, when I approached “substitute texter” challenge, I couldn't get aliens off my mind so "bees" became "people" and "scientists" became "aliens" (there were more substitutions). So see all the poems from various poets at
Mine are at
Maybe I'll read some of the fruits of the challenges tonight. Why don't you stop by?